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Windows and Xbox LIVE are Now One, with Windows 10

There is a reason that Windows won’t be stepping backward into the Windows 9(x) era – it’s making too many leaps forward. With integration into the Xbox LIVE platform allowing for cross-platform play for the first time ever, Microsoft is stepping up its competition against Sony in a big way.

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Jacktrauma3420d ago

Xbox and pc players together!? That's awesome!

JoeIsMad3420d ago

Yeah, Microsoft might pass right by Sony's SOE titles with their whole library syncing to the PC.

spicelicka3420d ago

No I'm pretty sure that's not how it works. You can only stream Xbox to PC with and Xbox one obviously. It's not like you can buy a game for PC and play it on xbox.

But its a really cool ecosystem, and games designed specifically for windows 10 xbox one can integrate cross-platform play.

Stevefantisy3420d ago

Hmm this could make a huge change for them if its implamented properly. I heard a rumour that 10 might be free?

no_more_heroes3420d ago

Yep, for the first year after its release, any user running Windows 8.1 or Windows 7 can upgrade to Windows 10 for free.

So you can get DX12 and the ability to stream games from your Xbox One...for free.

Stevefantisy3420d ago

So free for 1 year that's not to bad I wonder if you get a discounted rate for the upgrade rather than a full purchase like they have done in the past or will it all be a flat rate.

JoeIsMad3420d ago

As an early adopter of the Windows 8 platform, I was one of few people willing to make the jump. I didn't do it because Windows 8 looked fantastic, but because it was the latest thing, and I refused to be the old man who didn't know what they were talking about [eventually.]

With this free upgrade, Windows 10 won't blast off, but I think people will surely give it a chance.

Soldierone3419d ago

7 can update too? Hmm....

My computer is about 5 years old because I've been avoiding 8 like the plague, dunno if it is worth it?

twdll3420d ago

I'm looking forward to new things... naysayers should relax and enjoy the wave.

bahadur3420d ago

I think that was pretty predictable considering Xbox Live was already a part of windows phone 8.1, this was only the next logical step. But glad that it happened.

5eriously3420d ago (Edited 3420d ago )

So no need for the Xbone then, will the PC be able to play all future games just fine?

Wikkid6663419d ago

No, pc will not be able to "play" Xbox One games.

If games exist on both platforms then they may support cross play. Fable was example shown.


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