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26-Year-Old Successfully Crowd Funds To Pay For Her $362 Halloween Uber Ride

A woman named Gabi woke up on her 26th birthday and discovered the 20-minute Uber ride she took the night before, on Halloween, had cost her over $360, leaving her unable to pay her rent, she says.

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Spenok3510d ago

Seems like an easy way to get money if you can come up with a good story. >_>

MRMagoo1233510d ago

Hmmm I wish I was a girl sometimes, then I could get some guys to pay for the plane tickets over to the UK for me and also my family lol.

kurruptor3510d ago

Time to make some fake account and make some up some bullshit story about my kid breaking a leg and he needs surgery or he will lose it.

hkgamer3510d ago

its bad planning.

dont give that drink driving excuse to make yourself look sensible, obviously nome of you should drive unless you have a designated driver.

anyway, is she that stupid not to check the average price? wouldnt the app say it on screen?

im glad she made it so that she could pay her rent, just feel that she didnt get a chance to learn her lesson. she is 26 (25) she should be more sensible, she has 2 or 3 jobs, why cant she be more sensible with money.

last rant,
"Thanks for the ride, Muhammed"
that a cheap dig at asians because they are normally called that?

caseh3509d ago

To be fair, I wouldn't be surprised if it is actually Mohammed.

I was in Egypt last year, guy I was speaking to was called Mohammed, so were his 3 brothers...and his dad. It's out of reverence for the prophet but the names Ahmed, Mahmoud, or Mustafa are also well known to be used.

hkgamer3509d ago

not saying it wasnt mohammed, just felt like it was a stereotyping more than it actualy was.

seemed like a cheap dig for no reason.

Jihaad_cpt3509d ago

I blame the idiots who paid for her lazy broke ass. Beetch deserved to learn a lesson


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