
Popzara Podcast E3.01 The Federalist’s Sean Davis Talks deGrasse Tyson Bias and Wiki Edits

Reports that Tyson may have fabricated quotes to further his own scientific and political agenda haven’t set well with everyone, and a demonstrable backlash has begun on Wikipedia and beyond.

To gain insight and a unique perspective on the hullabaloo, Popzara's Nathan Evans talks with The Federalist’s Sean Davis about his recent investigation into deGrasse Tyson’s fabrications, liberal bias, Wiki fraud and even The Simpsons.

Full episode now available on Popzara.com, iTunes, and YouTube.


WT:Social Will Be An Alternative To Facebook, Twitter: Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales

Jimmy Wales anticipates that ‘WT:Social’ networking and the program will be set off as another substitute to Facebook and Twitter to share the news.

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masterfox1656d ago

hell yeah another service to compromise even more your personal information, seriously from IT Engineer please use your brain a bit before sending your information to another unknown company.


Neil deGrasse Tyson: Scientists should figure out how to turn hurricane energy into electricity

In an interview with The Today Show, Neil deGrasse Tyson said we should harness cyclonic energy to power cities.

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20,000 Chinese writers will create their own Wikipedia competitor

"Our goal is not to catch up, but overtake."

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thorstein2586d ago

Make sure it only contains primary documents and it will be perfect. No need for the 20-30% of misinformation Wikipedia includes.