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Windows 9 Could Be Free for Windows XP, Vista, and 7 Users

Windows 9 is the next big project prepared by Microsoft for the OS market, with people close to the matter saying that the company might roll it out in early 2015 on PCs, tablets, and smartphones.

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Devil-X3605d ago (Edited 3605d ago )

Does this mean that I need to downgrade from Win 8 to 7 first to have my free copy of 9. is that so?

ChrisW3604d ago

Ummm... if you already own a legit copy of Win7, then yes you could easily upgrade for free.

andrewer3605d ago

Even free, if it's like Win 8, won't be getting it...

UltraNova3604d ago

While the words "free" and "Microsoft" put together should always be met with some cautious doubt I would say well done MS if this ends up true.

My doubt lies within the fine print of Windows 9's release as a free upgrade.

We'll see...

ChrisW3604d ago

There will most likely be ads in the free upgrade...

jairusmonillas3604d ago

I hope they are not planning on going for free to use with in app purchases. I mean that's like pay $1 to use calculator or ms paint lol

SilentNegotiator3604d ago (Edited 3604d ago )

W8 users are the ones that deserve a free upgrade, if anyone.

Orpheo3604d ago (Edited 3604d ago )

To each their own.

I've used Win 3.1, 95, XP, 8, & now 8.1; of them all 8 & 8.1 are my favorites. It took me some time to adjust, but once you get the hang of it it's really nice. I can definitely understand MS' logic behind the OS shift. The older OS layouts seem dated, archaic, and business-y, while the metro interface of Windows' new UI seems far more visually appealing.

mcstorm3604d ago

I agree with you. I use windows 8.1 on a touch and none touch screen device and for me when I go back to older windows i would take 8.1 over them.

I do see why people don't like windows 8 and its not because they don't like it but they can't get their head around how to use the start screen.

I work for a help desk and teaching some old heads new tricks is hard esp when they don't want to use it.

This is part of the reason why people love ios because it dose not change. Well when it did change its looks people complained but using one app at a time is all people can do. You wont believe how many people don't snap windows in windows o's they just open a new document over another.

I am looking forward to seeing windows 9 though and I'm hoping the new start screen gets live folders like windows phone is. For me Microsoft should bring back the start menu for people that don't want it but give us the option on what we want to use. But so far I've found windows 8 the fastest bootup, lest crashing, lest issues os I've ever used.

SilentNegotiator3604d ago

"XP, 8, & now 8.1"

You really missed out with 7, then. And why I said that 8 users should get it is because THEY paid MS the most recently; why would they give away 9 to the people that haven't purchased a new OS (or PC with OS installed) for a long time?

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