
The Earth looks flat in this photo taken from space

Believe it or not, some idiots think that Earth doesn't rotate and others still think that Earth is flat. I'm sure the latter group would love this picture just taken by our space Captain America—astronaut Reid Wiseman. The angles on those two coasts converging makes Earth's spheroidal surface look strangely flat.

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Settler3629d ago

Isn't it looks like a cardboard box??

3629d ago Replies(1)
Audiggity3628d ago

Here's the same area in Google Maps/Earth - https://www.google.com/maps...

Zoom in really close, the resolution is surprising. There is a little fishing "cove" or saline basin on one of the edges.

dennett3163628d ago

Nobody believes the Earth is flat nowadays, surely? I know there are unbelievably stupid people around, but no-one is that dumb, right? Please?

mushroomwig3628d ago

Oh I don't know, some certain people think that the planes on 9/11 were holograms.

Qrphe3628d ago (Edited 3628d ago )

You can prove Earth's rotation with 2nd year College math without ever looking at anything else. That's the very maximum academic level of these delusional people.

windblowsagain3628d ago

Some people really believe the earth is only a few thousand years old.

ITPython3628d ago

I know, heck there is even some that believe that we evolved from some kind of lifeless ooze millions of years ago.

Amazing theory, since scientists can't even begin to comprehend the immensely complex nature of something as seemingly simple as a living plant. Or how we only observe life coming from other life. But somehow it makes perfect sense that we evolved from lifeless goo millions of years ago.

People sure are crazy!

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