
What Happened to the Flags on the Moon?

On July 10, 1969, Apollo 11 touched down on the moon. At 10:56 pm eastern standard time, Neil Armstrong accomplished another first. With the immortal words, "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind," (or something like that) Neil Armstrong became the first human to step foot on a major celestial object. Soon after, Buzz Aldrin joined Armstrong on the alien surface. The two of them spent the next two and half hours exploring, taking pictures, and collecting samples.

Settler3642d ago

I think its somewhere in some hollywood studio where those photos were shot...

Speed-Racer3642d ago

You didn't read the article, did you?

"By looking at the photos from different points in the day, the movement of shadows confirm that the flags, in some form or another, are still there."

windblowsagain3642d ago

By looking at the fake photo's provided by nasa, you can still see the flags.

There are no flags on the moon, because man has never stepped foot on it.

ProjectVulcan3642d ago (Edited 3642d ago )

I saw the flags wobble like crazy from the ascent blasts of Apollo 16 and 17. Thought a few would have probably fallen over.

As an aside to the comment below, welcome to the USA, the country where they think the moon landings were fake and that wrestling is real.

Go look at the moon rocks, ask the international scientists around the world that examined them. They are unique and impossible to replicate.

Ask the Russians if they have any evidence whatsoever of faked landings (they would have been entirely capable of proving it) as it was in their interest to cry foul.

Idiotic moon conspiracists

360ICE3642d ago

I believe Settler and windblowsagain are actually fake conspiracy theorists. No one believes that we didn't actually land on the moon. That's just not realistic. I mean, look at the evidence:

If they're able to write comments on the Internet, why aren't they able to read a 400 word debunking article?

And how can they think the moon landing is unrealistic, when they are likely typing on a machine far, far more advanced than anything on the moon shuttle.

It just doesn't add up. Nobody can be that stupid, unless, they're acting.

I think they're just paid actors writing their comments from a Hollywood studio. All to make people believe that our education system is failing.


Rute3642d ago (Edited 3642d ago )

Vulcanproject: yeah, let's see the moon rocks, such as the one that was exposed to be petrified wood: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/...

I'm not a moon landing conspiracist but there are definitely some dubious things related to the moon landings. US pulled off some big swindles during the cold war era such as the strategic defense initiative, so i wouldn't be surprised if it's all fake.

ProjectVulcan3642d ago (Edited 3642d ago )

It's not a moon rock Rute. It was a personal gift to someone that wasn't properly verified. People were not personally given samples, countries officially were though.

The genuine article was given officially and sits in another Dutch museum and is verified to be the real deal. It's a simple mistake people latched onto but your post is classic conspiracy theorist bull. Oh so one mistake proves that all those genuine verified rocks were fake?

Of course not. It's just irrelevant nonsense peddled by boring conspiracists. There is usually a very simple explanation for most of these lazy claims if they could be bothered to look.

UltraNova3642d ago (Edited 3642d ago )

I'm all for believing the moon landings where real but of all the things we know about NASA and their vast vast budgets/resources, R&D, infrastructure and expertise (some of the smartest most qualified people were/are working there) that they failed to design a flag that would withstand the harsh conditions found on the moon, conditions they were well aware considering they wanted to sent humans there.

Think about it if you wanted to leave your mark in something groundbreaking you have just achieved like every mountain climber, species discover, impossible math equation solving mathematician has done before wouldn't you do everything in your power to leave/provide evidence proving just that?

Buy leaving flags capable of surviving the Moon's conditions would allow anyone with a $100 telescope to see and marvel at NASA/US's achievement but they chose not to.

Let me tell you what I truly believe, Science's true value is the ability one has to Question Everything and resolve to find concrete proof.

I ask you then, why did NASA fail with something as simple as a flag?

Rute3642d ago (Edited 3642d ago )

Vulcanproject: In my country, there is nothing "conspiracist" about linking to a story about confirmed fraud.

That moon rock thing was a fraud, and if a person tries to soften the blow by using some other term to describe the incident, he is not being honest.

When a team of astronauts gives a "Moon rock" as a present to a museum, then of course it is assumed that it is indeed a Moon rock and not a rock somebody picked up up from their backyard.

As for the claims you made there about "the genuine article", please provide sources. You make it sound as if the Dutch people made a mistake.

And let me state it once again, it would not be the first time that the USA has pulled off massive swindles. Rememeber the Gulf of Tonkin incident? Or the 1990 testimony of Nayirah?

There was a even a plan to commit false flag acts of terrorism in the USA in the 60s to provide casus belli for a war against Cuba. (Operation Northwoods) Sounds eerily reminiscent of a certain event.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3642d ago
dota2champion3642d ago (Edited 3642d ago )

People think the landing was fake because of the fluttering flag, the flag didn't flutter. They either use wires in the flag or it's a plastic flag


rowdyBOY3642d ago (Edited 3642d ago )

man has tried to go to the moon , but failed .

if they did ever succeed , then why has nasa never attepted to go to the moon the last 20 years ???

food for thought

dota2champion3642d ago


because there is nothing on the moon. going to the moon is a waste of time and resource

b163o13642d ago


So what is our purpose for space exploration? I mean everything that seems worth taking a serious look at is light years way. There's no way we'd ever reach these places. This is a waste of time and money IMO. We don't even know everything about our planet, new species discovered almost every day. We know more about the moon the our on ocean floors. If we'd stop and take a good look at our raging planet we'd still see amazing things

ravinash3642d ago

"if they did ever succeed , then why has nasa never attepted to go to the moon the last 20 years"

because it's a case of been there, done that.
If there is any reason to go back then maybe they would.
But most scientific stuff can be done remotely using robots.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3642d ago
mixelon3642d ago

Couldn't have been faked with the tech of the day.

Mirrors on the moon you can fire lasers at.



We did land on the moon and we're likely to live to see more people do the same.

ITPython3642d ago

@Settler - lol, guess the retroreflectors on the moon were placed there by what... aliens?


Promise to not cry yourself to sleep after reading the above.

5eriously3642d ago

Idiotic comment smells rife of an ulterior agenda.

Gondee3642d ago

You may think the first moon landing was fake, and your still wrong, but man has certainly set foot on the moon.
Here is the moon orbiter (launched in 2009) taking pictures of the landing sites...

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3642d ago
mushroomwig3642d ago

White flags? Great, now we're just giving alien races the idea that we've already given up!

windblowsagain3642d ago

Rocks that were once part of the moon that formed are found on earth, over 30 have been found.

We choose to fake the moon landings, not because it is easy but because it is Hollywood.

mixelon3642d ago

Couldn't have been faked with the tech of the day.

They left mirrors on the moon you can fire lasers at.


We did land on the moon and we're likely to live to see more people do the same.

I_AM_ CANADIAN_19893642d ago

If any of them are fake it's the first landing. To ease the pressure that was Russia breathing down their necks in the big space race. Than the second time would be legit. Because honestly why not just go to the moon once why go twice maybe because they actually wanted to see the moon lol. To say we've never been to the moon at all is crazy but to say we only went the second time is probable. Tbh I really don't know to be exact but what I do know is with the evidence and the intense pressure from the Cold War and the pressure to get to the moon first could have been the perfect recipe for the USA to get Hollywood to work it's magic and slow down the Russians in the space race.

I'm partial to the whole moon landing conspiracy theory. I believe USA had perfect motive to get desperate and fake the first landing and I believe they had motive to go a second time even tho 1st time would probably be enough lol.

Also I ll try to google this but just in case I come up with nothing is there any astronomers on this article that can tell me why the moon is considered to have nothing useful just a chunk of rock etc, when clearly it's been hit by many astroids over millions of years. Wouldn't astroids containing rare space materials hit the moon and still exist there, or does the lack of sufficient gravity, oxygen, water etc come into play. ?

Dark_king3642d ago

You do know there have been 6 manned mission to the moon right? You do understand USSR would of been able to tell weather or not USA actually went there are not right, you can bet your left nut they were doing everything in there power to try to prove that USA was not.

Now the moon does have some useful materials on it mainly Helium-3.Though it also has other elements but those are pretty commonly found on earth.We will use the moon again as a stepping stone to deeper space.Its low gravity provides an ideal location to launch a ship from.Right now there is a size limit to what we can send up also and the moon does have metals we could use to build with.So in the future we will return to mine it.
Now the fun part if we do that what will happen to the oceans back on earth as the moons mass is used and taken away from it?

Settler3642d ago

@windblowsagain if man never landed on moon, then what neil armstrong did on moon??

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