
YouTube stars earn a lot more than you think. Here’s what the top guns make

KP: 15 years ago, there weren’t jobs like Bloggers or YouTubers, but now the Internet has opened up a whole new range of possibilities to make money. YouTubers have the opportunity to get paid for their work. You’ve maybe heard about popular channels like Pewpewdie or PrankvsPrank or maybe Vitalyzdtv. Using their video editing skills, they’ve each been able to make millions of dollars per year from YouTube ad revenue by just posting unique videos. It sometimes sounds a bit unrealistic, but they’ve been able to do it thanks to YouTube’s Partner program which pays out pretty well to those who are able to clock in enough views on each of their videos.

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Devil-X3657d ago

MKBHD isn't in the list, I thought he is making millions too with all that crazy stuff he get to review almost everyday. btw nice informative and well written article.

TechImperia3657d ago

man thats amazing how much money they earn, youtube have given them great opportunity

ajax173657d ago

I can't understand Pewpewdie's popularity.

SpringHeeledJack3657d ago

Im with ya on that. Same thing over n over again and not even funny.

SilentNegotiator3657d ago

His humor caters to 13 year olds that are on FB all day long so he gets a lot of word of mouth, he locks in a bunch of unreleased/popular games to do videos on, and he probably has good publicity.

TXIDarkAvenger3656d ago

He used to be funny until he became famous and catered towards 13 year olds.

Speed-Racer3656d ago

Wow, just listened to one of his vids...painfully boring.

M-M3656d ago

He's literally set until Youtube dies. Even if he were to somehow get his channel shutdown, he would be able to make a new channel and gain 1 million subs in a VERY short amount of time.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3656d ago
Devil-X3657d ago

Bye.. I hope you visit here on techspy occasionally too after you become a big youtube celebrity. xD!

M-M3656d ago (Edited 3656d ago )

A lot of them that provide videos with little work(people like Pewdiepie) are heavily overpaid. They should not be making more money by sitting at home and commentating over a short 2 minute video, while others worked to grab hold of a high paying opportunity(doctors, scientists etc.) don't make nearly as much. Even other Youtubers that aren't afraid to speak the truth say that they're overpaid. I'm not specifically talking about people like Smosh and Freddie Wong who actually put a great amount of work into their videos.

Devil-X3656d ago

The thing is scientists, doctors work hard while youtubers work smart. It is long proven that people who work smart are bound to earn more than people who work hard.

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