
Light from huge explosion 12 billion years ago reaches Earth

Intense light from the enormous explosion of a star 12.1 billion years ago -- shortly after the Big Bang -- recently reached Earth and was observed by a robotic telescope. Known as a gamma-ray burst, these rare, high-energy explosions are the catastrophic collapse of a star at the end of its life. Astronomers can analyze the observational data to draw further conclusions about the structure of the early universe.

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AuXDubz3649d ago

These are really the stories which make me overwhelmed with the world we live in, truly amazing!

spicelicka3648d ago

Hmm excuse my lack of knowledge, but can some one explain how the Big Bang happened and the universe was created and only noww we see the light from the explosion? How was everything around the light created faster than the speed of light itself?

I'm sure I'm mixing things up here so just wanted some clarification.

spicelicka3648d ago

ohh i see it's light from the explosion of a star not the big bang itself

badman13649d ago ShowReplies(1)
Audiggity3649d ago

"Not possible, keep moving" - Religion

Audiggity3648d ago

I was making a joke about religion. Particularly any religion that claims the Universe is only as old as the Earth is, due to the creationist belief that everything is only a few thousand years old.

Unless you were asking "why?" because you are curious why I was lightly poking fun at religion... and well, that's because putting stock into religious texts that were intended to explain things in a primitive way against a mountain of scientific data, is so silly, it should literally be banned.

There are plenty of intelligent, religious people out there who know that the universe can't possibly be thousands of years old.

My problem is not with religion. It's when people attempt to replace science with religion and call it fact.

That's why. :)

AliTheSnake13648d ago

I never met a creationist who belief that everything is only a few thousand years old.

360ICE3648d ago (Edited 3648d ago )

There are plenty of creationists who think that God created the universe, the heavens and earth in seven days (or six days + day off), so while I believe you when you say you haven't met any (I haven't either), there certainly are people out there who do.

Also, don't be fooled by the term "Young-earth creationism". It's actually typically defined as someone who believes the universe and earth was created in as short period of time, and not just the earth.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan yway, the universe is really amazing.

FlameBaitGod3648d ago (Edited 3648d ago )

I see someones insecurity on that post

Audiggity3648d ago

Don't mistake someone as insecure if they are simply informed.

If you look at the insane amount of progress that is being limited on a daily basis by medieval beliefs; you should be concerned as well.

It started as a simple joke and I've unraveled it into a religious debate. Haha. My apologies.

@ AliTheSnake1 - "I never met a creationist who belief that everything is only a few thousand years old."

Really? I don't think you've actually met a creationist then. Here are some links to inform you. Be afraid:


And if you really want to see behind this silly curtain, watch this debate:


So, yeah, no FlameBaitGod... no insecurity, just years of education that leave me in perpetual disbelief that this antiquated belief system is still in place, despite a (very literal) mountain of evidence against it.

SITH3648d ago

Alithesnake must be new as in in his teens. I have met countless creationists who take the bible literally.

cell9893648d ago

why the fuq do people always think religion and science cant co-exist. Close minded trolls

SilentNegotiator3648d ago (Edited 3648d ago )

This militant atheist preemptive strike on religion any time there's a science related article crap is getting old.

Reported as off-topic with the hope that we can have a civil space/science article for once.

spicelicka3648d ago

You should have a problem with ignorant people in general, not with religion.

ricochetmg3648d ago

ALl things are possible through god.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3648d ago
GFahim3648d ago

religion and its book was never meant to be a book of science, but a book of SIGNS.....for mankind to ponder over.

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