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Vaccinable diseases on the rise in the US/Europe, and you won’t believe why

Vyralize: In the United States and Europe, preventable diseases like whooping cough, measles, and mumps have been on the rise since 2008, but why is this?

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RE_L_MAYER3778d ago

population control-survival of the fittest.....its about due for world war 3

k2d3778d ago

"Survival of the fittest" - except it affects innocent children to young to have vaccines.

Panthers3778d ago

Survival of the fittest typically applies to innocent children.

As a civilization we are beyond that. These people who are mis-informed need to get their children the vaccines they need.

k2d3778d ago

^Well, I'm incinuating that it wouldn't be wise to just 'let them at it'. That would just end up biting everyone else in the ass one day.

Those that choose to remain ignorant needs to be schooled.

pandehz3778d ago (Edited 3778d ago )

Norton should start making vaccines

DuB3778d ago

Microsoft helped make a malaria vaccination.
I believe im pretty sure.

pandehz3777d ago


Imagine if it glitched?

Can it be patched?

thorstein3778d ago

It isn't just the fraudulent study. It is also priests spouting this anti vax BS from the Pupit and idiot celebrities like Jenny McCarthy spouting off against vaccines.

The real tragedy is the number of children dying from these peoples' actions.

Cat3778d ago

Um, I know why.

Man, I'd never dare comment on this on my FB feed, this might be the one place where it's safe to not be eviscerated for saying I vax my kid.

Husband and I have a saying that we vax for others. Yes, we will probably never be exposed to measles/mumps and if we were, it would be treatable. But we don't know the condition of another's immune system.

Rubella, of the MMR, is often overlooked but to be a carrier of rubella in a community of mothers, pregnant women, means you're the Typhoid Mary of preventable birth defects. Tip of the iceberg.

Speed-Racer3778d ago

I only started watching House M.D. the other day and your example plays in perfectly. Some parents don't get vaccinated and while they may live life just fine, their offspring stand to suffer, and most doctors can't figure it out till they do a full family history.

Cat3778d ago

A) I'm really glad you're watching House, great show

B) This is another point. The reason that some people can get away with not vaccinating (and I have friends that don't), is because so many other people *do* vaccinate. The article shows how tenuous this balance can be, and the less people vaccinate the less sustainable it is.

SonyKong643778d ago

it's a good thing the tv told you that via a sitcom..

personally I wonder why vaccine companies make insane world altering profits and still donate little to nothing to help starving dying children at home and around the world??

if you trust any profit driven company to jab your little Timmy in the arm in this twisted money over everything capitalistic world, you are effing nuts..

Speed-Racer3778d ago

@Sony - House isn't a sitcom and the medicine behind it is 100% fact checked before they babble it on TV. I think even Scrubs being a comedy doesn't have BS medicine in it.

I'll continue to take my vaccines if needed. The stats on the charts clearly aren't arguable so I don't see why there is an issue with vaccination. Sure the pharmaceutical companies are always hindering innovation, but it doesn't mean that vaccines are BS.

360ICE3777d ago (Edited 3777d ago )


No, you're nuts if you see the clear, statistical links between lack of vaccination and proliferation of disease and think "I think I won't vaccinate my kid".

Sure, it's not always a good idea to have private corporations administer vaccines, and I agree; their profit margines are ridic, but vaccines administered in the US are regulated by the FDA. If you honestly don't think vaccines help after reading reports from both the developed and the developing world about how they do - maybe you shouldn't get to make the call of whether or not to vaccinate your kids.

These matters are far too serious for people who ignore evidence.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3777d ago
doomtrain3778d ago

its the work of the anarchists , the guys who make all those bullshit disney illuminati video's , making people afraid of everything , distrust within our own govmnts etc etc .
breaking down our society from the inside for the sake of chaos .

i.e a viscous prank from a character not that far from heath ledgers joker :P

SonyKong643778d ago Show
tachy0n3778d ago

nice to meet you sheep.

the immune system is not going to teach itself you know.

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