
Windows 8.2 – Microsoft Will Release Update Early Next Year

HardwarePal : Microsoft released the 8.1 update and now they have plans of adding a few more features users have suggested with Windows 8.2 in January next year.

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shuuwai3844d ago

In window 8.1 that wasn't a start button. It was more like a shortcut to metro layout. Ms lie too me.

testerg353844d ago

I just use the app StartIsBack.

360ICE3844d ago (Edited 3844d ago )

Metro layout is the new Start menu -.-

Notice how it says "Start"

NarooN3844d ago

It's the Start Menu in name only.

The messed up thing is how that button not only takes you to the Metro screen, but that functionality was actually already there in Win 8.0. If you hovered your mouse in that area and clicked, the Metro screen would pop up.

All the new "Start" button did was make it obvious that you could do that.

360ICE3844d ago

No one is arguing that it's not a big change, but given how Microsoft refers to Metro as the start menu and they said they changed the start menu, they're not lying.

mcstorm3844d ago

I really don't see what peoples issue is with the new start screen. The old one was a bit of a mess for none touch screen devices because of how big the icons are but now they have small icons o really don't see why people have an issue with it.

You can pin anything to it and have it in any order your want which is far better than the old start menu and quicker too. The only thing I have found missing from the new start screen that was nice on the old one is opening recent documents but all the new office programs have this on them now on the 1st screen so its not a major issue.

Can someone really come up with any other reason why the old start menu is better than the 8.1 start screen as I can't think of any.

steve30x3844d ago

I use start is back and I never see that stupid metro start screen

testerg353844d ago

I only have Win 8.1 on my tablet so the metro is good when others are using it.

steve30x3844d ago

It looks like someone is afraid to realise that everybody is allowed to have their own opinion that includes Cernunnos. Just because Cernunnos and testerg35 have their opinion that they like windows modern UI doesnt mean that everybody else should like it too.

Cernunnos3844d ago (Edited 3844d ago )

People need to learn to use search in Windows 8 and stop pretending like we're still stuck on XP.

Since Windows Vista, all you need to do is press the Windows key, and type the beginning of the name of the program you want, and press enter. That is the way you are supposed to use Windows ladies and gentlemen.

GameSpawn3844d ago (Edited 3844d ago )

XP had the run dialog and later the "Windows Search" optional install. The "unified" search box added into Vista, 7, and 8.1 is a far better improvement though (8 was broken as the search wasn't unified; you had an extra step to select one of the three search categories).

My problem with Windows 8 and 8.1 is that Metro creates a disjointed Windows experience - more so if you do not have a touch enabled screen. For a regular desktop user it is jarring to be ripped between the "windowed" desktop interface and the full screen Metro interface. Some apps support both interfaces and will stay in which ever one launched them, others only support one and will switch when you're not on it. The constant switching is what can get annoying.

Microsoft from the very beginning should have made Metro optional, especially if no touch device was recognized. 8.2 may take us a step closer to that goal; 8.1 sure wasn't a big enough step.

rpgenius4203839d ago

Try right clicking that start button or hold it down if you are using touch screen. Bam all the options from the normal start button. People honestly need to stop complaining win8 is the best.

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NarooN3844d ago

Service Pack 2 already? Wow. I'd go to Win8, but there's really no need to... I'm fine with Win7 64-bit for now.

eferreira3844d ago

I'm going Mac after I'm done with this samsung laptop.

Agent_hitman3844d ago

Windows 8 fails so hard, that is why MS decided to release another update earlier next year.. They should have extended windows 7 instead, rather than to release a crap os like 8


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