
David Cameron has a porn problem

TechRadar - Here are two stories about the government's attitude towards internet porn.

Story one: David Cameron announces default filtering of adult content and tells search engines to censor their results: "You have a duty to act on this - and it is a moral duty. If there are technical obstacles... don't just stand by and say nothing can be done; use your great brains to help overcome them."

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-Mezzo-3978d ago (Edited 3978d ago )

Blocking Porn never works,... I know.

It's officially "Blocked" in my country.

Yi-Long3978d ago

... it's still ridiculous that mature grown-up people are automatically blocked from watching 'mature content', due to some ridiculous idea that watching porn is somehow harmful towards society.

Where is even the scientific research that backs up this HUGE infriction of our personal freedoms and rights...!?

And what's the next step!? What will 'they' deem harmful and ban/censor next!? Violent movies!? Critical articles!?

Seriously, Cameron belongs in the Taliban, not in a 21st century western government.

Blackdeath_6633977d ago

blocking "child porn" is just an excuse to apply filters on uk isp's in a way that many regular people can't won't object to. lets say today they block porn who knows how long it will be before they censor the internet in a way they see fit

KingPin3978d ago

do they plan to block every single proxy server known to man.

pompombrum3978d ago

It's ironic really.. the biggest wanker in the UK wants to block porn. I think it goes to show what a sad pathetic nanny state the UK is becoming.

SirBillyBones3978d ago

Haha! I'm going to have to steal that one

pompombrum3978d ago

Well to be fair I stole it too :D

krazykombatant3978d ago

Read in the daily mail how parents are getting scared of what their kids see on the computer, simple ways around this, parental blocks, putting the pc in the living room not in some dark corner of the house. This is a f*****ing joke.

abc12333977d ago

Just because some parents are too incompetent to put some family filters on, the internet is going to be censored. Hospital internet censorships had to be removed a few years ago because doctors couldn't access research papers on breast cancer, how many headaches do you think this will cause?

What I find most ironic is the DM of all newspapers (well, The Sun doing it would have been worse) campaigning for the blocking of porn when they have articles on scantily clad women. The only good side I see to this is hopefully the DM being included in these filters.

wantedboys3978d ago

he is right porn should be blocked in all countries not only UK

Yi-Long3978d ago

Mature people choose to have sex, film it, put it on the web...

... where other mature people are able to 'enjoy' those videos, often for free.

I don't see a problem.

And if your kids are searching for porn, then clearly they're at an age where they have a natural curiousity towards sex/porn. Which is OK.

I'm pretty sure it's A LOT more harmful to make your kids feel like their natural instincts are WRONG and DIRTY.

RedHawkX3977d ago

the internet is filthy bro worse then anything else you could ever imagine. thats why you getting so many sh*t head kids and crazies out there. now instead of people trying to get better at living in the real world they go on the inernet and find some I want to marry sonic and his friend internet group and join it, and all kinds of weird stuff. it aint healthy at all. imagine them kids on 4 chan and other dark sites of the internet. most these kids these days cant even get it up because sexual disfunction from fapping to porn 3+ times a day. that just cant be healthy i mean theres chemicals and such that happen when you do that. heck when a monkey was giving a button to press to have an orgasm the monkey killed itself by pressing the button to much. thats basically what this kids are doing.

abc12333977d ago

I thought I had already seen the pinnacle of moronic comments on the internet, but you sir have proved me wrong.

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OnlyFans backpedals its porn ban, says it's totally fine now

That was a quick reversal.

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1021d ago

Around 51% Remote Workers Are Using Work Devices For Watching Porn

Kaspersky stated in its new report that on work devices approx 51 percent of remote workers confess to watch content which is considered improper.

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Facebook and Google know exactly what porn you watch – even if you use incognito mode

Digital viruses aren't the only things riddling free porn sites, web trackers from Google, Facebook, Oracle, and others are all present.

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Kabaneri1790d ago

They're gonna blackmail people one day.

1790d ago
BuildTheWall1790d ago

Zuckerberg's in his basemet using spying on you over your webcam he hacked & beating off while he watches you view your favorite porn.

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