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Why We Can No Longer Trust Microsoft

PC Magazine- If anyone should be mad at the NSA for all the snooping that appears to be going on, it should be the Department of Commerce, not privacy advocates. The recent revelations are not a threat to national security so much as a threat to the national economy. And if I were Microsoft, I'd be having around-the-clock meetings to discuss how to fix what is about to happen.

Settler3975d ago

Do people really think that any product is safe?

Mounce3975d ago

I'd say, of course, no product is 'safe'.

But buying or investing your money with Microsoft and their business strategies is basically handing over more than you bargained for. More than what any normal consumer would likely come to realize that Microsoft sees you as ants with money :/ They're the worst of the worst to have business with and many game developers and indie developers say the same.

Sitdown3975d ago

So despite companies that run ponzi schemes, and rob individuals of their life savings, you designate Microsoft as the worse of the worse to have business with? I don't understand why people feel the need to exaggerate in order justify their dislike for a company. Developers do not like Microsoft's business strategy, but somehow are more than willing to take their money.

Mounce3975d ago

Out of all companies that I've seen or dealt with in my current lifespan - Yes, Microsoft is the worst, and they portray themselves on their own to be the worst to deal with - I've not 'Dealt' or seen EVERY COMPANY in the known world....

So, of course with that note of common sense laid out? It is impossible to compare Microsoft with a Worse-compare that I do not know exists. This is neither exaggeration nor sugarcoating since it is my experiences and opinion in which I truthfully say, they shoot themselves in the foot, look and sound like douchebags - I do not like them, what is there for me to like about them? Nothing. :/

I do proper research of what company to not go with or not 'try' to get fucked over by if buying hardware parts, software, or anything overseas and my experiences outside of Microsoft have been Fine :L Only thing I'd say is I'd never buy an Asus laptop ever again if I had to be all honest with all companies I hate? Asus' quality and customer service sucks ass when I had gotten my laptop repaired 3x in a row and I tried to hope dead-pixels wouldn't be a problem as I had heard.

But yeah. Microsoft is the worst to my known-existence. What else do you want me to say or do? Hunt down every company and do business with them so I can properly compare them and be like that guy with "America's Dirtiest Jobs' TV show, except it'd be 'Dirtiest' in the sense of how bad the business/company is to work for? :L

georgeenoob3975d ago (Edited 3975d ago )

Safe? Of course not! That camera is intended to watch you jerk off and then police come knocking on your door!

Seriously? In what way is the Xbox One not safe? Is it going to rape you at night, is the camera gonna report your activity to the police? That's funny, given Kinect doesn't even spy on you in the first place. Quit the conspiracies Sony fans.

stuna13975d ago (Edited 3975d ago )

@ Sitdown

Can you really believe it's hate to drive people to say all the negative things they do about Microsoft? Do a little research on the history of Microsoft! You'd be surprised at what you'd find. Microft are like sharks in a tank full of guppies! They are a hostile company in every sense of the word, even to point that the government has had to intervene into their action on more than a couple of occasions .

Sure they are not the only ones with sordid past, but they are known to try to perpetrate the same type of tactics on the unsuspecting public when they think people are too stupid to remember prior transgressions. It's alright to favor a company when they provide you with their services, but people need to recognize when their being taken for a ride.

Too all the ones saying that these things are not possible, I just wish I had the same faith that you all have, but history speaks to the contrary, and in my opinion that is all anyone should need!

fatstarr3971d ago

everyone that's a big boy in the tech game does it. because the government bullies it in and says " if you want to be shit you better listen and do what we say"

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3971d ago
Ranma13975d ago (Edited 3975d ago )

dont ever think the government is more powerful than the people. The people can change this anytime they want....

they just cant be bothered or are not really interested. if thats their attitude dont they deserve some blame for having their privacy taken away?

why do americans always vote for people like the republicans or democrats?

i feel that if people used the internet more than watch tv more, things like this would be less likely yo happen as people would be more informed. so maybe things will change in the future. i hope

extermin8or3974d ago

Go watch "enemy of the state" with will smith that was made in 1998 and its an entertaining film etc but it has an important point in there

Crazyglues3975d ago

"Why We Can No Longer Trust Microsoft"

-Wait, you mean there was a time when we could trust Microsoft...?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3971d ago
Psychotica3975d ago

I don't trust any company..

DOOMZ3975d ago

Read THE PATRIOT ACT, nothing is safe... Don't blame MS, blame the government! ALL companies are subject to this...

cleft53975d ago

Better yet, blame people who say they don't mind intrusive technology or surveillance because they have nothing to hide.

pompombrum3975d ago

Or the idiots who don't even take a moment to reflect on latest revelations in the news and instead would rather concentrate their focus on the latest goings on in reality tv or the latest dress some random Kartrashian was seen wearing.

Sadist33975d ago

People crack me up. They say, don't trust Microsoft, but I bet they use Facebook, Twitter, write emails, and text on cellphones because I'm PRETTY SURE those devices/properties aren't MONITORED. Do people even use their brains anymore? Or do they just blurt out statements without thinking?

Sadist33975d ago

When I play my Xbox, I don't think about Microsoft. When use my iPhone, I don't think about Apple. When I play my PS, I don't think about Sony. When I watch my TV, I don't think about Samsung. I only think about the experience, the entertainment I'm getting. When you watch a movie, do you say "Aw man, I love Paramount! They're the best! I don't trust movies under 20th Century Fox!" No, you only care about the movie you're watching. Same as consoles, don't care about if its Microsoft, Sony....if Disney made a console that had hot games, I'd be rocking on that too. The only thing that's matters is how much you enjoy the product. The company, it doesn't matter if they cooperate with the government of this country or not. Has nothing to do with the game I'm playing.

insomnium23974d ago

Ummm... but we are talking about the negative experiences here right?

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