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Bath salts and booty: watch a drug-fueled John McAfee uninstall his antivirus software

The Verge: The strange tale of John McAfee keeps getting stranger. In a video posted to YouTube last night, the antivirus software founder and part-time fugitive callously sends up the program he helped create. Framed as a four-minute instructional video, "How To Uninstall McAfee Antivirus" features plenty of green screen, degraded women, smoking, drugs, partial nudity, and firearms.

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In2iti0n4001d ago

Don’t lie, you too would do the same crazy sh*t if you were a millionaire.

Nucky4001d ago (Edited 4001d ago )

This guy is legendary. Seriously, you need to have some serious balls to pull something like this. And yeah, you need to be a bit nuts too, that helps.


Antivirus Software Creator John McAfee Found Dead in Prison

The creator of the McAfee antivirus software, John McAfee was found dead in his cell in a jail near Barcelona.

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John McAfee, internet security dude and crypto shill, has been arrested in Spain

John McAfee, famed for McAfee Antivirus, has been arrested in Spain on charges of tax evasion. Here's what to know.

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That stupid ‘unhackable’ crypto wallet from John McAfee seems to have been hacked

Recently, John McAfee of McAfee fame touted that he was working on an ‘unhackable’ crypto wallet, referred to as Bitfi.

McAfee was so confident that he also put up a $100,000 bounty for anyone that could hack it, but was confident (“Money talks, bullshit walks”) that it was simply impossible. First, let’s get something out of the way – nothing is unhackable.

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