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Use Facebook's Mobile Site for a Faster, Battery-Friendly Facebook

Lifehacker: Facebook's app isn't as bad as it used to be, but it still has its fair share of problems: it's a little slow, drains your battery even when you aren't using it, and requires all sorts of permissions on your phone. Want something better? The Facebook mobile site is nearly identical...without all the crap.

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In2iti0n4003d ago

Another annoyance on IOS is that you have to use the separate app called "Pages" if you want to admin your facebook pages. This app is also crap and full of bugs etc.

I just use the full site through Safari and it seems to work okay for me.

Nucky4003d ago

I could offer you a suggestion to fix that problem, but then again, I wouldn't like to be percieved as just an Apple hater. :)

Speed-Racer4002d ago (Edited 4002d ago )

Actually it's the same problem on Android. I've never experienced bugs though.

fatstarr4002d ago (Edited 4002d ago )

I see what was done here. hahaha

overall the android app has gotten its self together.

after using 4 diff phones I can see that Facebook cares less about optimizing slow devices hence where the problem lies. because on the newest devices they work flawlessly.

EzioFan4002d ago

I prefer the full site over the app.

In2iti0n4002d ago

Isn't the app actually "full" and the mobile site is limited?

Nucky4002d ago

That's true, but I believe he was refering to the full actual website. Not the mobile version.

fatstarr4002d ago (Edited 4002d ago )

I rather just use the full facebook site on my phone. M sites piss me off to all hell. they are so limited


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