
Quantum Computing Could Lead To A Gigantic Leap Forward

Business Insider:
Qubits are more versatile than standard bits because they can exist in three states instead of two. Your computer can only represent things as a one or zero, but a quantum computer can render a qubit as representing a one, a zero, or every fraction between one and zero all at once. Quantum physics deals often with uncertainty, and this is how quantum computers mathematically interact with the idea.

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fatstarr4018d ago

once we get this, maybe all the sci fi futuristic stuff will come true, its only a matter of time. we went from sticks and fires to manipulating electricity on a micro level. hopefully its within my lifetime.

Captain Tuttle4018d ago

And what's amazing is how technology builds upon technology. This stuff will make things possible that we can't even conceive of right now.


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