
YouTube officially launches Paid Channels; soon to be better alternative to cable TV

Vyralize: It’s official, YouTube has launched Paid Channels starting at $0.99 per month.

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iNFAMOUZ14040d ago

no this is bad stuff, they are becoming greedy, what was once free on youtube, i.e music videos and radios will now be on paid sub's maybe, in the future.

fatstarr4036d ago (Edited 4036d ago )

and a new network will be built and people will migrate over.

best believe the millions of views they get would be cut by 75 or more % and it will flop harder than the vita and the facebookphone

Soldierone4040d ago

So all this means is that you will see even more "copyright infringement" signs everywhere.....

There wasn't a huge issue with using music in your videos until Vevo got on there and started attacking everyone. Now we have paid channels that will do it even more. Trailer? Nah can't post that, pay to watch it here though!

Honestly if they start restricting views or put standard Youtube channels behind this block, I'll go elsewhere..... In terms of streaming movies, WE DONT NEED ANYMORE!!!! Its getting annoying as hell watching everyone and their grandma's opening a streaming service.....

Software_Lover4040d ago

This is just getting sad. Youtube is the greatest source of information on the web. Need to know how to fix a toilet, go to youtube. Missed that awesome trailer during the SuperBowl last night, go to youtube. F'd up your phone and need to unbrick it, go to youtube. Need to know how to get that great reverb delayed effect, go to youtube.

Now its, need to quickly learn CPR because your mom is choking, go to youtube................... and pay. (I know this is stupid and drastic but you get my point)

febreeze14039d ago

I don't think it will be for every channel. Just for the big timers that are in the media. For you and I it should be free and if isn't maybe everyone will move to dailymotion or some site like that...

adorie4039d ago

Should Youtube fall, another will take it's place. I am almost 100% certain of the outcome should Youtube take it "there"

Rageanitus4039d ago

I don't think its a bad Idea. YouTube "technology" can be found on many devices now, the exposure is great for those who are WILLING to pay for these channels. I am sure they are not gonna charge for home brew videos (after all this is what made you tube the way it is)

TemplarDante4040d ago

Wow, monetization EVERYWHERE.
you know whats sad?
Like "horse armor to Oblivion," some will say its justified and Youtube will be ruined.

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458d ago