
Google is attacking Apple from the inside out-and it's working

Business Insider:
After years of hammering away at Apple's share of the smartphone market with cheap-to-free Android phones, Google has lately adopted a new tactic to win mobile.

Call it "the worm strategy" – because Google is attacking Apple from the inside out.

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FriedGoat4168d ago

I liked them when they stood by their motto "don't be evil" but now they just plaster ads everywhere and make my user experience a lot less fun.

KwietStorm_BLM4168d ago

Lol are you implying ads make them evil? They built their empire on ads anyway. It's nothing new.

gamer78044168d ago

They aren't any more or less evil than other corporations, they all get caught trying push legal boundries to the limit such as their antitrust case in europe and currently investigating in the U.S..

It's part of business, but just don't choose google thinking they are more righteous than any other company.

Thatguy-3104168d ago

Well Google is basically tie in with a lot of apps. My account on it is part of an eco system that Google has created. Crazy how they basically control everything.

Klonopin4168d ago

Call of Duty: Corporate Warfare

Chucky20034168d ago

Well its pisses Apple,but for me as a consumer its a good thing,the question is,will these apps make me transit to an android mobile?NO,at least not now?i have chrome but i still use safari cause its faster,but in rest i do use gmail,google maps,youtube,because i find them better,i hope Apple wakes the fuck up


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