
'Tech Vets' Host Shows How to Build a PC with Maximum PC Recommend Parts

Maximum PC: We wanted to share with you a YouTube video posted by Carey Holzman that shows, in great detail, how to a build a PC from scratch using parts from our "Get the Best Bang for the Buck" feature in the currently shipping December 2012 issue of Maximum PC. If Holzman's name sounds familiar, it's because he used to co-host the Computer America Show for about 6 years where former staff members Jon Phillips and Will Smith, and current Deputy Editor Gordon Mah Ung would frequently be heard.

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newsguy4218d ago

I love PC building videos.

hiredhelp4216d ago

Need more like these like myself have been building for some time now i still watch these videos cos each has there own style of how they build. Great stuff

Blackdeath_6634216d ago

"...Maximum PC recommended parts"? does that even make sense?

anyways these videos are great i'm looking into build my own pc soon. ive been having an issue deciding what processor to get especially when so many people have negative opinions to amd chips and others are saying its fine. my budget wont allow for a core i5.

hiredhelp4216d ago

Should beable to pick up a cheap i5 2500k now as the ivy bridge taken the place the price should of gone down they are great cpu's.
But if money is tight you want to game its no bad thing if you went for a AMD FX Series. AM3+
Also buy going for AMD your cutting your price saving money.


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