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Android vs iOS Development - Why App Developers Choose iOS Over Android

TechFlashed : The number of Smartphone users around the world is increasing at a rapid pace and in the coming years the numbers are expected to rise at a rocket pace

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AgentWhite4228d ago

In coming future things may change ,Android has impressed with the massive amount of apps in a few span .There may be some changes expected in the strategy of android in future.

4228d ago
Petro4228d ago (Edited 4228d ago )

How does this so called huge fragmentation issue effect the development of Android apps? You cannot really say fragmentation is any sort of an issue, has it ever stopped the PC software makers even tho almost every device they sell their product to has different components, and in all seriousness there is no fragmentation issue when you develop software for Android compared to developing for PC. With MIT App Inventor you can have your first up and running in matter of hours, I know this as I managed to do that, so that point was blown there. And even your first point is debatable, as Angry Birds is known to make more profit on Android than on other platform.

caseh4228d ago

1: True, probably because anything that is free on iOS is pretty sh*t.

2: Wouldn't know either way, whats this assumption based on?

3: Debatable, 95% of the apps I have on my android phone are free and serve their purpose well whereas apps of simlilar functionality on iOS need to be paid for. (see point 1 above)

4: See point 1 above.

5: Don't really get this point.

Flakey article at best. You will probably find devs actually cater for both platforms as you would be retarded to restrict yourself to one or the other and effectively half your target audience.

AgentWhite4228d ago

Devlopers first develop apps for ios because they know the users of ios are ready to buy and try new apps . Moreover i agree to the point the app you are having for free must be doing great ,thats where android is advantagous to user bt not the developer . ios app store has high quality apps .

zag4228d ago

I don't agree with that it seems more like region based for sales.

Australians seem to buy up heaps of apps, I have a silly amount of paid apps, between 50 to 100 apps.

after that seems to be US the UK.

The pick up rates is what matters.

The only thing I can think of where iOS has the better deal is the music apps than android, I'm not sure what the deal is with that.

Maybe the amount of time music app devs have spent with iOS rather than android don't know.

galest4228d ago Show
MEsoJD4228d ago

The ios store and hardware are consistent. There is too much fragmentation among Android hardware which in turn causes it's store to suffer.

Gondee4228d ago

I have never done an Android app, but i can imagine the headache. You basically have to start out selecting a group of devices your application will run on. thats a hard choice, especially considering android devices have an extremely high turnover rate. Making last years GS2 this years POS.

As much as i love android, i can't help but hope that Samsung and HTC partner to produce a forked android where they control quality and device restrictions.

zag4228d ago

Works on Android OS.

The newest aOS devices will be far more capable than the apple products, the next step down will ICS devices be on par or slightly better than apple products.

Jellybean apps work fine on ICS it's not like you have to make an app for each os version, you just need to make the 1 version for the newest aOS version.

it's all java anyway on android.

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