
50 Handy Windows 7 And Windows 8 Applications You Did Not Know About

WML Cloud Writes - There are many useful applications for Windows 8 and Windows 7 that people don't know about. Here is a list of some handy Windows apps to help you enhance productivity.

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Speed-Racer4271d ago (Edited 4271d ago )

Since when is a website a Win7/8 application?

Peazip? Really? Ever heard of 7Zip? or Winzip?

Brawler4271d ago (Edited 4271d ago )

THIS^^^^^ love how the metrotwit screen shot had the swastika in it lol

blogger874271d ago (Edited 4271d ago )

Thorstein: Its a matter of opinion

Racer-X: Which website are you referring to? The Peazip posts clearly mentions 7Zip and Winzip. PeaZip is used by many Ubuntu users. Did you even see the Peazip supported formats mentioned in the post?

Brawler: can't really control how people keep their Gravatrs. Didn't even realize that when taking the screenshot. However, Ill remove that gravatar from the screenshot.


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