
NASA Rover Curiosity Blasts Its First Rock on Mars

Dailytech: NASA Mars rover Curiosity has zapped its first rock since landing on the Red Planet, marking the beginning of its two-year expedition to find signs of life.

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Speed-Racer4315d ago

Pew pew! Wish I could see the after effect, but sure that's coming up in a few days.

frinshy4315d ago

3 days on a new planet and we already destroying it

SJIND4315d ago

ha ha ha....
humans are built for destruction...
Hoping that's only a rock, not a martians head.

Qrphe4315d ago

Poor rock, it had a family and so much ahead of itself.

Veni Vidi Vici4315d ago

How many billions did it cost to find out there were rocks on mars and that they're made from the same elements we have here on earth?

Yep, money well spent. It's not like we're in a terrible recession or anything.

SilentNegotiator4315d ago

"Bu- but we wanna know if water was on the planet! It will be billions well spent if we know that Mars used to have water! We can take that info and use it to improve OUR planet by......uh.... hmm. GO AWAY, IM GONNA BE A SPACEMAN WHEN I GROW UP!!"

mushroomwig4315d ago

Thankfully we're not all as small minded as you are, otherwise our species would never get anywhere.

You seriously need to do some research if you're going to bring up the recession as a point for this. Do you have any idea how much money is being spent on Iraq and Afghanistan and "the war on terror" in general? I suppose that's money well spent too huh? How about the cost of re-election campaigns? More money well spent?

FYI it cost roughly 2.5 billion dollars to put this rover on Mars, a fraction of the cost of air conditioning for U.S bases in Iraq.

Next time, don't bring up money because you have no idea what you're talking about.

Veni Vidi Vici4315d ago

Yep, I totally brought up all those things you said.

All those things you mentioned are just as worthless, IMO. I never once said I was for any of those things. Good job.

And for anyone saying it's furthering our species, I'd beg to differ. Furthering our species would be using that money to find cures for horrible diseases, feed the hungry, or even save the planet we currently live on.

Right now, there are so many more pressing issues that should be tended to before looking at a bunch of stupid rocks on Mars. Now is not the time to be spending money on something as frivolous as this. Sure, once we're finally out of this recession and doing okay, then go ahead and start increasing the funding for ventures like this. But until then, this is a waste- just like all those other items mushroomwig mentioned.

Syko4315d ago

"And for anyone saying it's furthering our species, I'd beg to differ. Furthering our species would be using that money..."

I think this was my main argument really. Money is an imaginary system at the core. So really when you talk about advancing humanity money has nothing to do with it and is in fact one of the things holding us back.

"...find cures for horrible diseases, feed the hungry, or even save the planet we currently live on."

All good things, and all things that could be done without money. just human ingenuity and technology. I know I am arguing a Utopian view, but in order to advance, people, technology and knowledge trump money. That's my point.

Syko4315d ago

It's furthering our species far more than worrying about scraps of printed paper...

If all the money in the world ran out and we were "Bankrupt" would humans not be able to make technology like this anymore? Bu, bu, but, without money how can we buy the necessary parts? Oh you mean we just build it and try to further our intelligence by exploring the endless Universe around us anyway? If anything by that logic money hinders our Technological prowess as a race.

Or something to that effect...

Ben_Grimm4314d ago

"Right now, there are so many more pressing issues that should be tended to before looking at a bunch of stupid rocks on Mars."

It all has to start somewhere though right. How do we know that the answers for some cures isn't on Mars?

What if we can habitat another planet and decrease the over population of this planet maybe even reducing starvation and famine? Or what if we find better alternatives of fuel on Mars and thus saving the enviroment here on Earth?

We just can't ignore other possiblities that are out there. Everything is in place for a reason. Trust me, there are a lot of high level thinking going on that can relate or solve the problems here.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4314d ago
Vortex3D4314d ago

Maybe if there's a Martian life form that approaches Curiosity, Curiosity can use the laser to blast the life form, analyze its composition and then then greet the Martian based what its composition. Of course Curiosity can warn the Martian that she has two other older sisters that have been studying Mars for 8 Earth years and they know Martian secrets.


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