
20 Best Free Windows 7 Apps You Must Have : 2012

TechFlashed :Thinking what programs to install on your windows to get the performance? No more thinking required now as we have managed to list 20 windows 7 applications you must have.

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techie114331d ago

I think Foxit should replace Adode in the list.

AgentWhite4331d ago

Yes indeed foxit is a very good choice as a reader but generally users around the world go for Adobe because of their reputation in the market .

gaffyh4331d ago

You can just use Chrome, just drag the PDF in the main window, it works fine. But I prefer Adobe.

iSpy4331d ago

Yes. Foxit is better than Adobe. But you should also try PDF X-change, faster than Foxit :)

AgentWhite4331d ago

The technology has gone so vast and thanks to developers we have a whole lot of alternatives .

iSpy4331d ago

Windows users have never liked a computer coming with preinstalled software even though they most always do. That why we have de-crapifier programs and the likes. We like to pick and choose what will be loaded on our machines.

searchbuzz4331d ago

I upgraded to Windows 8 and NOW you tell me!

SJIND4330d ago

I guess this list is for Windows 7.

Speed-Racer4330d ago

I see you read the title and understood.

fatstarr4331d ago

this is just a meh article for the most part.

just a downloads list.
but for the inexperienced this is good.

All you need really is security, Internet, vlc, divix, flash, torrenting programs, media monkey if you archive your music over itunes which is too invasive and blocking but in my case my music collection crashes them all since its so massive. gtalk is cool, c cleaner + malware bytes is a 1 2 punch. Paint.net and a cd ripper would be my pics on a fresh os. and steam and freeware games

Are_The_MaDNess4331d ago

I will take CCCP before VLC any day
Less problems with this player than VLC (less pixelation (if any)when you just in a film)
only problem i got with CCCP is filmes with variable frame rates (looking at you Yibis Fansubs)

not even sure why Adobe Flash Player is there when Google Chrome got it pre-installed.

And Google Chrome can also read PDF files, meaning i would't have Adobe PDF reader up there either.

but thats just me

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